父親のショー・コスギの影響で幼い頃からアクションスターを志す。また、父親とともに数々の映画に出演し、ジャン=クロード・バン・ダムや三船敏郎ら世界的スターと共演し、俳優としてのキャリアを積む。その後、人気スーパー戦隊シリーズ「忍者戦隊カクレンジャー」、「ウルトラマンパワード」等に出演。「酔拳2」をはじめとするジャッキー・チェンの作品から影響を受け、アクションスターへの想いを強くする。のちにジャッキー本人と会い、彼のスタントチームで学びながら、映画「Who AM I」においてカメオ出演を果たす。その後も、東京で行われた数多くのジャッキーの映画プロモーションの際には、イベントに出演。またかつてケインが司会を務めていた番組にジャッキーがゲスト出演することもあり、今日に至るまで、互いに親交を深めている。
幼い頃に思い描いた世界的アクションスターになる夢を叶えるべく、現在も数々の作品に出演。「ゴジラ」、「マッスルヒート」、「テラフォーマーズ」等の日本映画や、アメリカ映画の「DOA/デッド・オア・アライブ」、「ローグアサシン」、「ニンジャ・アベンジャーズ」、「鉄拳 Kazuya’s Revenge」、さらに、韓国のリュ・スンワン監督による短編映画や、中国映画「COWEB」や「Choyleefut: Speed of Light」「Heaven Inspector」等に出演。2020年公開のOne Night In Bankokにも出演している。
Kane Kosugi is an American martial artist, actor, and TV personality based in Japan.
Kane’s athletic ability was apparent from an early age. He took his first steps when he was nine month old, and he began Karate at 18 months. He went on to train in various other martial arts such as Kendo, Judo, Kobudo, Taekwondo and Wushu in addition to American football, golf, sky diving, scuba diving and horseback riding. Aside from the physical, he excels in ‘mind’ sports like chess, poker, video games and Rubik’s cube.
Kane aspired to be an action star at a young age. He appeared alongside his father, Sho Kosugi, in numerous movies; worked with global super stars such as Jean Claude Van Dam and Toshiro Mifune and played the lead in the popular live action superhero series "Power Rangers” and “Ultraman." When he saw Jackie Chan in “Drunken Master II” and his later movies, he was motivated to work even harder to achieve his dream. He later met Jackie Chan and was given an opportunity to study under Jackie’s stunt team and played a cameo in “Who AM I.” Subsequently, Kane was invited to appear in many of Jackie Chan’s movie promotional events in Tokyo and Jackie also guest starred in programs hosted by Kane at that time. Kane considers Jackie to be his mentor to this day.
Kane left the US for Japan to pursue a career in the entertainment business immediately upon graduating from high school. His multiple victories in the popular sports shows "Sasuke" and “Muscular Athlete No. 1 Championship“ propelled his career to the next level. His display of resiliency and “anything is possible” spirit on the show touched the hearts of Japanese audience. Since then he hosted and made guest appearances in variety shows, educational, travel, lifestyle and sports programs. He also appeared in commercials for companies such as House Foods, NTT Docomo and Konami. Among them, Kane acted as the spokesperson for Taisho Pharmaceutical Co.’s best-selling energy drink, Lipovitan D, for 20 years and real estate company, Century 21, for 18 years and counting; a rare phenomenon in a market that constantly seeks new faces.
Kane continues to work on his dream to global stardom in action movies. He starred in Japanese films such as “Godzilla,” “Muscle Heat,” “Terraformars;” American films such as “DOA: Dead or Alive,” “Wars”, “Ninja: Shadow of Tears, “Tekken: Kazuya’s Revenge;” Korean short film directed by acclaimed director Seung-wan Ryoo and Chinese films such as “Coweb” and “Choyleefut: Speed of Light” and “Heaven Inspector He also stars in the 2020 release film “One Night In Bangkok.”